Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Where Have I Been....

It's been a couple of weeks since I lost blogged. I'd like to time this time to apologize to my loyal readers out there. Yes, all 6 of you.

I started my new job last week and it's been going well so far. The hours are a lot longer than at my previous job and it's been kind of slow so far. I didn't really expect to start out immediately in the flow of work, but at times I've felt useless and not much of an asset. But I'm sure that'll change once I get into the swing of things and they get me more involved with things around here. In addition to just starting here, the job I will be put on is still in the early phases of construction. Lot's of meetings and not enough action yet for my liking. We're supposed to be seing some action on the jobsite starting late next week, so I'll be happier once that happens.

On the homefront side of things:

Everyone is doing fine. Same as always. Nothing new except for Nicky. Today was Nicky's first day at kindergarden. I went with Jennie to drop him off for his big day. We were running a little late and didn't have time to drop off the two little ones beforehand, so we took them with us to Nicky's new school. Thomas didn't want to get out of the car so Jennie took Nicky inside while I waited outside. There was a brief orientation thing for all the new students and their parents so I took the little guys to their daycare while Jennie was inside with Nicky. I can't wait to hear from Nicky about his new school tonight.


At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It nice for you to get a real feel of work.
Don't worry,once you get friendly with everyone they will take over and you can surf the internet again


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