Wednesday, December 08, 2004


I've noticed a trend at my kids' daycare, and I just can't figure it out. It happened at their previous daycare as well. Parking lots have lines painted on the ground to designate the parking spots. Blue lines designate that the spot is reserved for a handicapped person's car. So then why is it that so many people ignore the lines and park where ever they want? It's not like all the designated spots are taken. There are rarely more than 3 cars in the lot (with probably 50 or so spots). Granted, I have never seen a person in need of the handicapped spot, but there seems to be a car parked there every time. Is it because the parents are so lazy that they need to save the extra 3 seconds or so of time it would take them to walk from the designated spot? Is it because they just don't care? Is it because they don't want to conform to society and play by the rules?


At 10:08 AM, Blogger Matt Dabney said...

It's not just the handicapped spots. They park in non-spots (e.g. in front of the dumpsters, in the gate opening to the adjacent lot). I just don't get it.


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