Tuesday, December 07, 2004

That Stinks....

Here's a re-cap of Sunday's activities that lead up to a funny conversation with my oldest son, Nicholas:

Sunday morning is opening day of the winter basketball league at the Teaneck Jewish Center. I took Nicky with me and he sat and watched the whole game. He was really good. The game was exciting. Our team won by 1 point on the basket I scored as time expired. Immediately after game, I threw on my sweatpants and sweatshirt and headed over to my in-laws in Teaneck to help patch up the siding from where the old wall-unit air conditioners used to be. After that we went back home and waited for my sister to arrive with a truck load of boxes. My parents have been on a major house cleaning kick for the past month and have been pestering me about taking all of the junk I still had in their house. So my sister and I unloaded about 25-30 boxes of comics, books, videos, misc. items and carried them up into my attic. About a half hour after we finished my parents came over with the second truckload of boxes. By that time, my legs felt like they weighed a ton each. After playing basketball (first time running in 4 months) and carrying those boxes up the stairs, the bane of being out of shape took it's toll. After all the boxes were finally up in the attic, it was time to relax. Nicholas and Thomas were in their playroom doing puzzles on the floor. I kicked off my shoes and sat down next to Nicky. (Keep in mind, that I'm still wearing the clothes from the morning) Here's the conversation that transpired:

Me: "Hi guys. You having fun doing puzzles?"
Nicholas: "Daddy, I smell poopy. You need to change TJ's diaper."
Me: "No Nicky, that's my feet"

At which point, I picked myself up and went up stairs to shower.


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