Saturday, November 20, 2004

Am I In The Wrong Line Of Work?.....

I sit here typing this post without the use of my left pointer finger. Which, of course, makes for slow typing. In a freak accident I sliced open my finger while helping my brother and father work on the ductwork in my dad's house. It was a 6" tee that I barely glanced with my hand, but hard enough to slice right thru about 2" of skin which unfolded quite nicely. After washing out the wound for a few minutes I gave into temptation and took a ride over to the Holy Name Hospital Emergency Room. It was actually a very pleasant experience. Went thru all the motions very quickly and was back to my mom's in time for dinner.
And now for the meaning of the subject. I love watching those reality shows on TLC and The Discovery Channel about surgeries. I can't get enough of them. So, of course, I watched as the doc stitched me up (6 stitches in all). Maybe I should have gone into some sort of medical field. But then again, with how I feel about school, I would have never have lasted very long in school.


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