Thursday, October 06, 2005

Family Vacation 2005, Day 7....

Today was supposed to be a "relaxing" day before heading back home. After breakfast, Geralyn and her crew of 4 headed over to the Kennedy Space Center to check out the museum and stuff. The rest of us hopped in the pool and played until a little before lunch. Then we got dressed and headed out to do some shopping. We hit the $0.99 store right down the block from our house and made out really well there. Then we took a ride to Downtown Disney and parked at the opposite end than we had parked the previous time we went. We got to walk by and stop in a few different stores that we hadn't seen yet. Spent the afternoon walking around and had a good time. I went on the little horse carousel ride they had there with Thomas, Nicky and Joey. Nicky and Joey sat in one of those little teacup type things with the round disk in the middle that you can use to spin the cup around. They had a blast spinning around as fast as their little arms could make it go. Got some cute pictures of the kids, so keep a look out for when I post all of the pictures on line.


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