Monday, October 10, 2005

Family Vacation 2005, Final Thoughts....

I could not live in Florida. The weather is way too humid for my liking. It was in the 70's and 80's the week we were there, I can only imagine how much it must suck in the dead of summer when it's in the 90's and that humid.

Thank goodness that Disney has a deal with Coke and not Pepsi. I couldn't drink Diet Pepsi for a whole week straight. On the bright side, if it had been Pepsi and not Coke, I would have drunk a lot more water than soda - that would have been a lot healthier.

The Disney theme parks were great. Everything about them was so well done. Any time you were supposed to be in a different part of the country, world, time, they did a great job of creating the illusion of being in a different place. From the buildings, costumes, plant life, light fixtures, doorknobs, etc. Everything was done just right.

I didn't come across one single employee that had a sour puss on their face or was unhappy (except for those playing a role). Whether it's the employee training or something, every employee looked like they enjoyed doing what they were doing and made it a very pleasant experience.

Taking Nicky on roller coasters might have been a bad mistake. Now every time we're in the car driving up or down a hill, he'll have his two arms up in the air and screaming "Wheeeee!!!"

Spending 24 hours a day for a whole week with my wife and kids was awesome. I got a better appreciation for how great they all are. I'm going to miss seeing them that often. My favorite memories will be seeing my boys' faces as they watched the parades and saw all of the things that really excited them.

(From the left: Veronica, Grandma, Jennie, Alexis (in back), Jeff, Vincent, Mickey, Joseph, Nicholas, Grandpa, Geralyn, Jeff (in front), Ellen, Thomas, Daniel, Matt (me))


At 12:14 PM, Blogger Max said...


Sounds like an awesome trip. Your descriptions make me want to go with Lisa (and hopefully the little ones) someday. As teachers we will probably have to go in the summertime (which is not ideal for Florida!) but hey, you can't have everything. Lisa will probably veto the NBA restaurant, unfortunately.

Glad to hear that it also afforded you all that quality time with the family!

At 6:44 PM, Blogger ChuckJerry said...

I like that you pointed out Mickey in the photo.


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