Saturday, August 12, 2006

Off We Go....

I set the alarm last night to go off this morning at 4:30am in order for us to be on the road by 5:00am. After hitting the snooze button numerous times, I finally crawled out of bed at 4:58. So much for the plan! We were on the road and crossing the GWB around 6:00am. The ride was pretty uneventful and the only traffic we hit was getting on to the bridge to cross over the Cape Cod Canal. We arrived at our cottage a few minutes before noon.

We unpacked the van and got everything put away in the cottage then took the kids down to the beach to play. Nicky “the fearless” immediately wanted to go swimming in the near 50 degree water. It was quite chilly. Unfortunately for me, Jennie still does not own a swimming suit and I was on watch duty. (note to self: Jen’s not really self conscience about her legs, she just doesn’t want to step foot in the cold water). I almost had Nicky talked into swimming out to the raft about 100 feet from shore, but once we both got our whole bodies wet by going under the water, he wised up and we went back to shore to play in the sand.

After playing in the sand we showered off and got dressed to head to the supermarket to do some food shopping. All 3 kids fell asleep on the 10 minute trip to the store. Once back at the cottage we made dinner and headed back to the beach. The plan was to take the kids on a nice long walk and tire them out so that they’d be ready to pass out once we got back to the cottage. Like I said – that was the plan. So after walking about ½ mile down the beach searching for shells and pretty rocks, we turned around and headed back. About half way back, Nicky and Thomas decided to run all the way back. I figured they’d tire out rather quickly and just lay down on the sand and wait for us to catch up to them, but that was not the case. I wound up running after them trying to catch up. Didn’t happen. They beat me to the staircase and stopped by Jim and April’s cottage to say hello. Nicky, Thomas and I hung out with Jim, April, Evan and Erin while we waited for Jennie and Alexis to make it back. When Jennie finally got there we hung out for a few minutes then headed back to our cottage for dessert, movies and bed. Dessert has been eaten. Pajamas have been put on. Teeth have been brushed. The movie is about to start and there’s no sign of tired kids.

So much for the plan.


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