Monday, June 19, 2006

She's different....

Sunday morning while I was home alone with the kids while Jennie was out at church, Nicky and Alexis went upstairs while I was in the dining room. Nicky was looking for his flip-flops and, of course, needed someone else to go with him upstairs. Going into any room alone, especially on a different level or the bathroom, is out of the question for him. He's such a chicken. But I digress... Nicky comes back down and tells me that Alexis didn't want to come back down with him. No problem, she's very good at climbing down stairs on her own. She does it all the time. I have Nicky sign the father's day cards for my dad and Jen's dad and we wrap the gift and put the cards in the envelopes for later that day. About 15 minutes have passed since Nicky left Alexis upstairs. No crying. No yelling. No sounds at all in that time. I tell Nicky to go upstairs and find out what she's doing. He goes up by himself (surprisingly) and comes back downstairs and tells me he can't find her. So I go up there and this is where I found her:

While you might not think that's strange, here's a little more perspective:

That's Nicky's bed she's in.

Now, had that been one or both of the boys out of sight for 15 minutes with no noise, you can bet they would have been up to no good. Playing with bath toys in the toilet. Dumping all their clothes out of their dresser drawers. Drawing on the walls with a pen, crayon, etc. Anything, anything at all. Anything, but what Alexis was doing.


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