Friday, September 09, 2005

Why Are People So Dumb?....

It has gotten to the point now where the police and national guard can use physical force to remove someone from their home in New Orleans. 80% of the city is under water, and that water is infested with toxic chemicals, dead bodies, and disease. Yet there are still folks who are still in their houses and have not left. Some are too sick or elderly to trudge through the water to safer grounds, and others have stayed behind to help those too weak to make the journey. But what about those who are physically capable, but choose not to? Like Austin O'Dwyer.
....there could be problems if they try to remove Austin O'Dwyer, who says he will not leave his home. He's been holed-up for 10 days without help, doesn't want any and isn't scared of lethal germs.
"Why do they think that I am more susceptible to disease than the soldiers that are coming to evict us?" he asked.
"If they come to my property and they attempt to evict me from my independent state ... there will be gunfire," O'Dwyer said. "There will be gunfire, so let them be warned."

I know being in a situation must take a toll mentally. I can't imagine the horrors or being in such a decrepit situation for 10 days straight, but if the cops are coming with a boat to take me to safety, I'm the first one hopping in the boat.


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