Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas 2005 Recap....

I would have bet large sums of money that the boys, especially Nicky, would have gotten up bright and early Christmas morning and dragged Jennie and I downstairs to see what Santa had left for them. That was about as far from the truth as you can get. They slept until 7:00 am. To give you some perspective, the kids never sleep past 6 on a non-school day. 6:15, once in a blue moon. We all headed downstairs to open presents. The boys had a blast tearing into everything and seeing all of the new toys that they got. Alexis is still too young to have gotten into the spirit of ripping open the wrapping paper to see what's inside, so she spent most of her time observing. She was also woken up and brought downstairs, so she wasn't totally awake yet either.

Jennie did an amazing job (again) this year. She bought me a bunch of little things for under the tree and in the stocking. Which just goes to show how much of a schmuck I am compared to her. I only got her a few things (one of which she bought herself and let me put my name on it).

We got dressed and headed over to my parents' house for breakfast and more presents. The kids got a ton of stuff. The big hit was the Thomas The Train train set that Thomas got. As soon as he unwrapped it, he opened it and started putting the tracks together and played with the trains. He couldn't be pulled away from his new toy so Nicky was more than happy to help him out and unwrapped the rest of Thomas' presents for him.

We packed up the minivan with all of the presents and I made my first trip back to our house to unload while Jennie and the kids headed next door to her parents. Once all of Jen's sisters arrived at the house more presents were opened. Once again, the kids made out like bandits. The big hit for the boys were the Power Ranger guns that they had asked Santa for.

The day after....
Monday was spent purchasing a new bookcase for the playroom and putting it together. I also bought a tote to help in the reorganization of the toy room. All of the toys that are still in good shape but the kids don't play with any more will be heading into the tote and into the attic. There is still a pile of unopened boxes in the living room that Jen and I haven't gotten around to yet. Maybe tonight....

Final Thoughts
*Alexis will be the best dressed little girl for the next 6 months. She got so many cute outfits for Christmas.

*If I have off from work the day after Christmas next year, I am going to refuse to leave the house. The whole day will be devoted to opening and organizing all of the new toys. Half a day is no where near enough time to get it done.

*I will have to do something extraordinary for Jen for our anniversary coming up in 1.5 months to make up for my lack of Christmas spirit. She deserves better.


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