Wednesday, April 06, 2005

My Yahoo!....

I finally made the move to creating a My Yahoo! page.

For those of you who don't know what it is, I'll try to describe it. It's basically a 'home page' where you determine what's on it. I can have the sports scores for your favorite teams, the 5 most recent emails in your 'inbox', weather for your city, etc. all listed on the page.

My usual routine used to be to open up internet explorer to the yahoo main page set as my 'home page'. It would let me know if there was any new mail (but all it did was let me know how many messages there were - not who they were from). I would then go down my 'Favorites' list and click on various websites to see if there was anything new in the world. A bit of a pain because a lot of times I would open up a web page to find nothing new (e.g. a bunch of my friends also have blogs, but update them very rarely). Now with the help of the RSS feeds, on My Yahoo! page, every web site that I visit every day is listed on the page. And if any of them have added something recently, it shows up on my home page. The same goes with any of the major websites out there (e.g. ESPN, CNN) that I check out frequently.


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