Friday, February 03, 2006

Why My New Job Is Killing My Blogging Life...

...and it's not a bad thing.

I made a new year's resolution to post more often, especially about my kids and that funny, interesting quirks. I've been so busy at work that I just don't have the time to post anything. I might have an idea in the morning of what I'd like to blog about, but by the time I get to work and get immersed in what I'm doing, I've forgotten all about it.

Last night I came upstairs to bed at around 9:45 and was surprised to find Nicky still awake and watching tv in my room. So when his show was over I flipped the channel to watch the end of the Cavs/Heat game. Nicky protested so I flipped the channel over to the Discovery Channel and put on Mega Machines. Nicky saw the huge trucks and got excited: "Yeah Daddy. That's what I want to watch." I wasn't a bit upset that I couldn't watch the NBA game because it was a blow-out by that point and I like watching the Mega series on Discovery anyway.

With Nicky staying up way too late (I know - bad parenting), he surprised the heck out of us this morning and was up when I got out of the shower at 6:00am. Usually we have to fight with him to get up and he hides under the pillows when we flip the light switch. Alexis was also up early this morning to my surprise. As soon as I put the water on for the shower, she was standing up in her crib laughing at me. She asked for a bottle, so I got her one and put her down on our bed to watch some cartoons while I was in the shower.

I've rambled on way too long and fear I've lost interest in anyone reading this. Sorry.

Have a nice weekend! :0)


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