Wednesday, February 21, 2007

An Anniversary To Remember....

This past weekend was our 7th wedding anniversary. This is how we celebrated....

Jennie had been feeling sick since the previous weekend and had had some back pain for the previous couple of weeks. She thought it was an ulcer acting up and a pulled muscle in her back. Lots of mylanta and icy/hot ointment on her back. The pain was getting worse each day, so I took the day off from work on Thursday to give her a break from the kids so she could relax and try to heal up. I had given her a list of doctors in my health plan and she had made an appointment to see one of them this week. The appointment would never come to fruition. The pain had gotten so bad that she went to the emergency room. After picking up Nicky and Joey from kindergarten, Jennie's parents came over to watch the kids as I joined Jennie in the emergency room. They had already done the blood work and a sonogram by the time I got there and her diagnosis was in: Gall stones.

The doctor that she had made the appointment with eventually showed up to discuss the situation and the remedies. He was going to go in with an endoscopic instrument to search for the gall stones and remove any that were stuck. Then another doctor would perform surgery to remove the gall bladder. The doctor who was to perform the removal surgery stopped by the emergency room to discuss the procedure with us and said he'd try to squeeze it in on the next day, Friday. Otherwise, we'd have to wait until after the weekend :-( A room finally opened up and they moved Jennie into the room in the new children/women wing in the hospital. A lovely little room by herself.

Jennie had the endscopic procedure done around 10:00 Friday morning and then the removal surgery around 1:00pm. She was released from the hospital early evening on Saturday. She's got 4 incisions with 3-4 stitches from the surgery. She'll have to take it easy for the next week or two while she heals up from the surgery, but after that she'll be back to normal, albeit with one less (nonessential) organ :-)


At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad everything is ok.
Some anniversary,mine was 2/27 but it turned out alot better.
Hope next year will be better.


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